So I left DC for the commute from hell at 5:30 - having no clue what I was in for since I was watching C-Span because the Senate was still in session. 7 hours later I arrived home. As a reminder I live 12 miles away. I managed to maintain calm for most of the drive other then bitching at Eric via email (thank you Eric for listening). I asked Eric if I could eat 4 month old cake from the back of my car - he suggested I pass (sorry Mom my car's a pig sty). I dug through my purse and found some mints - YAHTZEE. I even tried to be a good Samaritan and help a little old man who's car had stalled out - unfortunately we were unable to get the battery started and after offering assistance two more times to him, it was every car for themselves so I ditched him in the skateboard's dust. When I finally got to Seven Corners around 11:15-11:30 pm I heard "helpful" WTOP (they were also helpfully playing prostate commercials over and over again that kept saying - do you urinate frequently - HELLO?! NOT GOOD TO PLAY TO THOUSANDS STUCK IN VEHICLES, THANK YOU VERY LITTLE) announce that 50 was closed. That's when I lost it. The skateboard did some tactical maneuvering through various shopping lots, back roads, over power lines, under power lines and I arrived home at midnight. If I didn't use the maneuvers I know I would have been on that road another hour or two.....God bless the skateboard! I came in the next day and found I won the longest commute award - I beat out another co-worker by 30 min. I'm such a lucky girl!
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