Monday, September 6, 2010

Natural Bridge - Day Three

Warming up after we were attacked by water.

By day three we were over it and gave up on cooking over a fire and eating sandwiches - Trevor is literally saying "roughing it" here for our photo. That pizza was damn good and worth it the kids ate almost an entire pizza by themselves.

Today was the day to visit the Caverns. While they were a bit disappointing (there were no formations, etc. like you see on the commercials for Luray Caverns), it was the perfect amount for the kids and they were still captivated. Heather is still convinced she saw bats (ain't no way she saw any). They really enjoyed their trek into the earth and we did not have to carry either one of them. Afterwards, we stopped at Foamhendge for Eric. Its Stonehendge made out of foam. The kids were confused as to why one would build that and I gave up attempting to explain because I had no real reason why one would build it either. Eric liked it and was giggling and taking pictures like a little kid! We also visited Lorikeet Landing at the Safari Park, swam some more, played on the playground with their new friends and went on a water fight wagon ride. Getting pegged by a giant water balloon in the head and then a giant water bazooka does NOT feel good and neither me nor Trevor were fans. Trevor was shielded under my towel and I absorbed the brunt of the battle. I ended up getting really really mad and attacked with a vengance. Heather loved it! The evening we went on a flashlight treasure hunt and her new friends invited us out to the field where they lit luminaries which then rose into the stary sky like hot air balloons. The kids were impressed but exhausted and desparate to go to bed.

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