So I'm still fighting bad asthma but the meds are helping. Spent most of the day inside the office until sign waving. Joe's peeps took our corner by at least noon so we decided to just avoid the conflict and go to the corner away from them. They followed us. We blared our rap music, cooked hotdogs on a grill and still managed to have fun. There were a ton of sign wavers including Joe, Scott, Parnell and us. Joe started to intermingle with us but we ignored them and continued to dance. Media showed up and was all over us shaking it. I have a feeling we are gonna get in trouble for some of the footage but that's what makes us fun. Towards the end of sign waving (we started at 3:30 and were still there at 7), most of the staff decided to bail. It was me, Jeremiah and Peter left. We continued to shake it. Peter had the idea to move down to our section of Lisa signs so we started to gather up our stuff to make the move. I saw some Joe Miller kids snagging our signs and said in my mom tone - uh uh you have to put those down. Thanks! Then all hell broke loose. The kid dropped the sign like a hot potato and his mom came after me and started screaming an inch from my face. She told me that I had cursed at her kid and verbally abused him. I told her that was untrue and that she needed to get away from me or I'd have to call the police. She then informed me that I didn't know anything and she was a powerful lady and I was in for a world of trouble. She called someone on her phone and told whomever that I shook her kid and verbally abused him and that I was drunk in public. Most of you know I really don't drink AND its never in public. One of the Miller people told her to stop and she was being absurd. I decided it was time to call HQ and tell them what was going on. Peter and Jeremiah wanted me to leave but I didn't think it was a good idea because I was worried this nutcase would continue to spout her lies at whomever was coming. As I was on the phone with HQ, she grabbed her 4 kids and left. I continued to stand there for about another 15 minutes. The Joe people kept looking at me as I calmly stood there waiting for whomever. Finally one of the guys came up and said you should really go. I explained that I was concerned about folks lying and that as a mom it really upset me that such accusations would be made. The assured me that would not be the case and so after listening to Peter and Jeremiah, we packed our stuff up and left. But first the Joe people had to explain their abortion views to me. I thanked them for sharing their views and said I couldn't get into that but I respected their opinions. I have no idea if cops came or not. After getting back to HQ, we were then flooded with protestors shouting free Dan free Dan - about 30 of them showed up. It was ridic and crazy. Apparently after we left they continued to pound on the doors. We went back to Shangrila to unwind and Jamie made me soup - thanks Alaska Mom, I needed that! I did end up getting an awsome shirt today from a supporter.
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