So....we dropped by Jamie's house to get warm clothes before the sign waving. Egads! Keyless entry no longer works - I swear it was not me! We called her son Daniel over....surely he had a key?! Unfortunately that was not the case. After several swear words, a panic attack and a call to my mother to let Maggie know that this is a classic Kristen moment (thanks for laughing Mom), Daniel found an open window. On the top floor. I had to straddle both of them and get hoisted/thrown up through the window. Then we had to find a key.....then we had to call TW (Jamie's knight in shining armor).....then we had to get more keys (the walmart man apologized that we had to pay $1.70 a key instead of the usual $1.53 a key because all he had were the colored ones----cost of a key to a house in a snowstorm? PRICELESS).....by the way, I'm hugely embarrassed by being such a hot mess and apologize when Jamie reads this! No damage was done to the window other then Daniel and Maggie laughing so hard and trying to take pictures of my butt going through a window. My plan tonight is to figure out how to fix the keyless entry.... did I mention the oven quit working?! Jamie's gonna rethink wanting me to stay! My classic Kristen karma's catching up to me....
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