We went to sign wave last night. I think we were on the wrong corner so it was just us but we figured it would be good to split the team anyways and get both sides of traffic to the Aces hockey game. Peter and I were energetic. Per and Jake were rocking the big 4x8. I tried to get Mary extra energized and coach her on her "woooos" but she was not feeling it. After several attempts at instruction in the proper technique of woo....I gave up. Peter came up with using all the extra traffic cones we found to put up additional signs since we forgot to bring a hammer. It turned out quite well. There were lots of horn honks, thumbs up and some sarcasm screamed at us as well. As I started to pack up our goods, I made eye contact with a guy who then decided it was his personal mission to grab a sign and amp the energy up by 1,000. He started running in the streets and yelling Lisa! Lisa! Vote! Vote Vote! Then he told me how hot I was and asked if I was single. Don't worry Eric - I flashed the bling and said sorry already taken but offered up Mary. Then I told her to unzip her coat and let her hair hang out - she was not very appreciative of my efforts to hook her up. Jeremy, my new found fan, proposed to me 3 times and then announced he had consumed several cocktails (you think?!) and was himself engaged. He told us he didn't know much about Lisa but she was also smoking hot and he planned to vote for her....ahh Alaska youth. He asked for my phone number so I had him give me his phone and Mary signed him up for the Lisa texts. I'm sure he woke up this morning hungover as hell, wearing a Lisa pin and holding his Lisa sign and wondering what the heck happened. He was still sign waving and yelling as we left. In fact, I bet he was woken up with a text from Lisa. God, I love campaign life!
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