Friday Started Out as a Disaster.
Driving to work in the skateboard, my car started acting up so I ended up leaving early to rush it home (at 40 MPH because that was the highest I could go) to Eric for repairs. Turns out it needed sparkplugs - Eric to the rescue - yet another reminder to those not married, find one that fixes cars - it will pay dividends! My honey fixed the car and meanwhile I used the extra time to create several batches of cupcakes for Heather's school winter dance/cake walk that evening. I got suckered into facepainting. Little did I know what I was in for. I was mobbed and ended up spending the entire time painting little faces. Did you know sixth graders carry I-phones?! They used them to look up Steelers logos for me to paint on their faces. I managed to get the job done and every kid seemed to be pleased with whatever got put on their faces - the oddest request....lady, can you draw a water bottle on my face?! Eric was a massive help watching Heather and Trevor as they bopped around the gym dancing, hula hooping and whatever else went on in there - I never made it past the facepainting station! Heather won an item from the cake walk. Trevor sobbed because this was the second year in a row he lost.
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