So we had a special pass from the Senator to attend. I could only bring six and Eric opted out (what a smart man I married) so it was me, the kids, Mom, Dad & Mike......we drove by the White House. Dad asked why all the people were waiting in line. We decided it was the "commoners" without a special pass from the Senate. We walked up to the White House and got told to get in the back of the line. We waved our pass. They must be mistaken.....and then we got back in the end of the line. And waited. And froze. And waited. And froze. Lots of others with special passes walked up to the gate as well to inform the officers that they were mistaken. I'm sure the officer just loves holiday open houses. We finally got in after I took some time publicly berating my parents for not following the rules of what one can and can not bring (they got through just fine, thank you!) and prepared to enter the White House to witness the magic of Christmas during the holidays. I fondly recall my childhood memories of going to the White House with my parents and grandma. Yes it was cold but walking into the giant room with all the trees and gingerbread made it all worth it! So, seizing upon these memories, we walked into the grand entrance to find.....most rooms roped off. No gingerbread. No big room of trees. AUGH. We got to see a giant six foot dog made out of fabric loops - ho ho ho - nothing says Christmas like Bo the dog. Trevor and Heather were confused. Mommy was confused. Trevor decided the only thing that would save this trip was to find a tree with fish on it. I started to prepare my boy for failure - and then the magic of Christmas happened. My boy found his fish. That was about it....Heather then searched vainly for a horse on a tree but she was out of luck. I told them to stand on the steps so we could preserve the memory because we are never going back to the White House...never. Oh Eric is a smart one I tell you.....
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