We woke up before 7 to find out Santa had made it to the House of Chaos. He brought many fish-themed items and some horse ones as well. Heather got a few nintendo ds games, some little pet shop items and Trevor got fish, fish, fish - even a chocolate fish in his stocking. Both kids got stuff for their beds - Trevor got fish blankets to go with his fish sheets and Heather got horse sheets to go with her horse blanket. Trevor ran through the house screaming Merry Fishmas! Also, Holly the guinea pig has been taken out of the cage three times already and put on the floor to run around once in the bedroom (its 11:30 a.m. so far).....he's adjusting to the kids well. They are still in love with him on day two. Eric even held him once and then suggested a second guinea pig. Unfortunately, I looked up the cage dimensions and the pet store was right so I'm standing firm on one pig per house.