Have you ever read the book if you give a mouse a cookie?! Its a mighty interesting read. "Chaos style" happens like this. If you take the kids to the carnival, they will want to play games attempting to win fish. You will let them because let's face it they won't win anything and you consider yourself safe. Unfortunately, they win TWO FISH. You bring said fish home. You go to the pet store for a goldfish bowl and get laughed at-and I do mean laughed at! The pet store immediately suggests you send those fish to a nice big bowl in the sky - why?! Because they aren't simple goldfish - apparently they will grow at least a foot long and are called "dirty fish". You tell the kids they are going - they cry. You buy two bettas to make them stop. It works like a charm. They pick out bowls, rocks, plants, you name it. You now have four fish, but tell yourself its fine because two of those fish are gone the minute you walk back in the door with the two bettas. You get ready to pitch them - the hubby gets a fish tank of his own. You now have 2 bettas in separate bowls, the original aquarium AND now another fish tank for the dirty fish that you should have flushed in the first place. Anyways, maybe I should write my own book - if you take two kids to the carnival.....
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