There's no documentation of the hunt because they did the dash while Mama was unpacking the car. They ended up with 6 easter baskets from various folks there for Easter dinner.
Trevor also shared the following with me about Easter: One, the Easter Bunny does not go to China. Because they come out of their houses and hit them with brooms (this was apparently learned via a movie Hop that I guess I should watch and see why this is the case). Two, the Easter Bunny is really a man who runs around the world in a rabbit suit and drops eggs for everyone because he is crazy. I wasn't sure how to respond to either comment. HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!!!!
Monday, April 9, 2012
Day Four - Fishing at Lake Accotink

I decided to take the kiddos to my old fishing hole behind Mom and Dad's house. It was still quite the spot! Caught about 10-15 sunnies, a large mouth bass and had a bass so big it stripped the entire pole. Every time we dropped the line in the water we got a bit. Kids were quite happy and we learned the true lesson - there's no place like home!
Day Two was Fishing at Burke Lake Park

It was quite a windy day - we fished for quite some time and did not get a single bite. We ended up at the playgrounds playing on the rocks that I remember climbing when I was a kid. The train was not running yet and the ice cream parlor wasn't open. You'd think they'd be open for spring break since we did see the train out on the track taking a test run. Missed opportunity for the Park Service to make quite a bit of money.
Spring Break for Kiddos - Mama Takes Several Field Trips.

Day One of the break - we went to Cactoctin Zoo in Thurmond MD. It was a bit disappointing this time. One, apparently not all exhibits are ready yet since they just reopened for the year and two, not all exhibits are ready yet since they just reopened for the year. It would be nice if their website would have reflected that. They also had no food or water on hand - luckily I was organized enough and we were all set but there were A LOT of families there and they were all complaining, starving and kids were screaming. You'd think they'd be organized. Also, we got there at 10:30 - their safari ride didn't run till 2 (again, would be nice if the website reflected that and hell no I was not waiting till 2) AND no camel rides yet. Very disappointing run to Thurmond.
Papa Took Trevor Rainbow Trout Fishing

They went to Lake Fairfax to watch the county restock the lake - a dump truck (or something to that effect....I wasn't there) pulls up and the fish get pumped into the lake. Trevor was very excited. Some of the fish were in shock so Papa helped Trevor get a trout - the trout slapped Trevor in the face and now he is no longer a fan of rainbow trout. There are two things I find funny about these, there are no photos of Trevor fishing. Two, in the last photo he is covered in mud, snot and cheetos dust! :)
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