The petting zoo has reopened and the kiddos went twice this weekend between swim classes (Heather swam a whole lap back and forth on her own!). The zoo now has a budgie (birds) house and Heather decided it was her mission in life to train the budgies on how to eat off a stick - the exhibit is brand new so the zoo isn't charging yet for the food sticks as the birds realize that the humans are holding sticks. Heather would sit in there for hours attempting to get budgies on her stick - she named every one that cooperated. The zoo now has Snowy, Greenbean and Bluebell in their exhibit although they don't know about it. ;) Trevor was game as well and enjoyed the birds which I thought was a big deal because he's usually pretty skittish. Season passes also now give you 10% discount in the gift shop so Trevor feels that means he gets a gift every time.