On Thursday I started to hear more and more about the impending hurricane. I realized some of our friends lived by waters and made the offer to be their emergency shelter. After I picked Eric off the floor when he got the news we got the house ready for the possibility of company. Friday afternoon we got the call. They were on their way. The kids were excited. Slumber party! We had a delicious dinner of most of their supplies out of their freezer and settled in the the first night - cocktails were a flowing. Kids were upstairs, Danielle and Brian got the playroom. Saturday was without a hitch. We took Logan with us to a birthday party in Ashburn which was at a moonbounce park so they got Chaos to themselves and were able to monitor their local media as much as they could for updates on Kent Island - which isn't much. Media apparently doesn't understand that they exist. After we got back the kiddos had dinner, played video games, watched TV and all was well. The winds started to pick up. We locked down the upstairs and huddled downstairs. Kiddos and I and our dog in one room. Danielle, Brian, Logan & Arden in the playroom - tight quarters for all but the important thing was safety! It got louder and louder and I got to admit - I don't think any of the adults slept very well that night. Around 2:30 a.m. the power went out. Eric kindly informed me that our heads were right by a window and that we could be killed any moment from flying debris. He turned and slept the other way on the room. I was already giving half of my space to the petrified dog so I decided to just risk it. Sunday morning, still no power but all were safe, no damage to house, a few branches down but no big deal! We got power back around 10:45 a.m. The kids were overjoyed and the TV got turned on immediately. The adults were overjoyed because the kids could quit asking to do every single thing that demanded power. The Hollands got the great news that power was restored to their place and it was safe - the winds had shifted from the storm to north so there was no storm surge and it kept the water from swamping their island. Victory to all! I'm glad they came to stay with us. I'm sure they don't believe me, but it was a great diversion from the impanding storm, the kids were entertained and we truly enjoyed their company!