Monday, January 31, 2011
This Weekend we had company
We have now entered the stage of "play dates" at the House of Chaos. This weekend we had two of Heather's classmates over. They are twins and I think they had a marvelous time. Trevor enjoyed the company as well. We had play-doh time, play-station time, DS time, and pulled out the tunnels and tents. All of this was accomplished in approximately an hour and a half!
Friday, January 28, 2011

So I left DC for the commute from hell at 5:30 - having no clue what I was in for since I was watching C-Span because the Senate was still in session. 7 hours later I arrived home. As a reminder I live 12 miles away. I managed to maintain calm for most of the drive other then bitching at Eric via email (thank you Eric for listening). I asked Eric if I could eat 4 month old cake from the back of my car - he suggested I pass (sorry Mom my car's a pig sty). I dug through my purse and found some mints - YAHTZEE. I even tried to be a good Samaritan and help a little old man who's car had stalled out - unfortunately we were unable to get the battery started and after offering assistance two more times to him, it was every car for themselves so I ditched him in the skateboard's dust. When I finally got to Seven Corners around 11:15-11:30 pm I heard "helpful" WTOP (they were also helpfully playing prostate commercials over and over again that kept saying - do you urinate frequently - HELLO?! NOT GOOD TO PLAY TO THOUSANDS STUCK IN VEHICLES, THANK YOU VERY LITTLE) announce that 50 was closed. That's when I lost it. The skateboard did some tactical maneuvering through various shopping lots, back roads, over power lines, under power lines and I arrived home at midnight. If I didn't use the maneuvers I know I would have been on that road another hour or two.....God bless the skateboard! I came in the next day and found I won the longest commute award - I beat out another co-worker by 30 min. I'm such a lucky girl!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
January has been a flurry of activity!
Work has been extra chaotic for a good reason! Was in charge of planning multiple swearing in activities for the Senator and her visiting guests. That is finally over and we've had multiple visitors to the house over the last few weeks. Holly the guinea pig is settling in well. Trevor gives me a daily poop update on the amount the pig produces. He is very quiet and does not make sounds like my old guinea pig from childhood - will be interesting to see if that changes! Trevor is excelling in speech therapy at school and talking really well. Heather is doing well in school as usual. I volunteered at her school for a few hours this week working in the office.
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